DAY-AHEAD and INTRADAY products by auction at the Cross-border points

Starting from 1 November, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., shall provide at  cross-border points
DAY-AHEAD and INTRADAY products by auction

In accordance with the requirements of the Commission Regulation (EU) No 984/2013 of 14 October 2013 establishing a Network Code on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms in Gas Transmission Systems and supplementing Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 of the European Parliament and Council (NC CAM), starting from 1 November 2015:
•    GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. (acting as a TSO) at connection points between neighbouring countries’ transmission systems and the National Transmission System (PWEOSP/PWYOSP) and  Point of Interconnection (PWP) and
•    GAZ-SYSTEM ISO (acting as TGPSO) at connection points between neighbouring countries’ transmission systems and Yamal-Europe Transit Gas Pipeline System (PWE/PWY) and PWP
makes available DAY-AHEAD products on a firm and interruptible basis
and INTRADAY products on firm basis by auction.

Market users will be able to purchase the following at FPWEOSP, FPWYOSP and PWP in the national system as well as PWE, PWY and PWP  in the Transit Gas Pipeline System, on auction:
•    a daily (day-ahead) product where capacity is made available for one gas day following the day on which capacity is allocated, and
•    a within-day (intraday) product where the capacity is made available starting from a specific hour during a gas day until the end of such gas day.
Auctions shall be held on GAZ-SYSTEM Aukcje (GSA) platform.
TSO provides capacity on an interruptible basis for the above mentioned points for day-ahead and intraday products, when 100% of the technical capacity of a given physical point has been allocated for the products provided on a firm basis.

Auctions for day-ahead firm and interruptible products and for intraday firm products are held using a Uniform-Price auction algorithm.

Interruptible capacity allocation for at FPWEOSP, FPWYOSP and PWP in the national system as well as PWE, PWY and PWP  in the Transit Gas Pipeline System  is executed as part of an over-nomination procedure in accordance with the provisions of the  Transmission Network Code (TNC) and Transmission Network Code of Polish Section of the Jamal Pipeline (TNC TGPS) respectively.

A System User that intends to use capacity as part of intraday interruptible product shall indicate such intention in the application for transmission contract or submit an application for capacity allocation (PP) during the term of the transmission contract, stipulating therein, as appropriate, the physical entry/exit points at which it intends to use such capacity.

Users who are currently able to have capacity allocated at FPWEOSP, FPWYOSP and PWP in the national system as well as PWE, PWY and PWP in the Transit Gas Pipeline System, shall retain this ability for intraday interruptible product.

For other entry and exit points, the terms of capacity allocation shall remain unchanged.

Due to changes planned in the scope of capacity allocation, maintenance is scheduled on 2 November 2015 from 8 p.m. to midnight (UTC 7 p.m. - 11 p.m.)  and there may be delays in sending confirmation of renomination acceptance.

On 31 October 2015 the first auction shall be held for day-ahead firm products from 4.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. (UTC 3.30 p.m. - 4.00 p.m.) and for intraday interruptible products from 5.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. (UTC 4.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.).

The first auction for intraday firm products shall be held on 31 October 2015 from 7 p.m. to 2.30 a.m. (6 p.m. to 1.30 a.m. UTC), subsequent bidding rounds in the intraday auction shall be held at every full hour, followed by a 30 minute break. A time schedule of each intraday auction is as follows:

Gas day
Product (range from - to)
6:00 - 6:00
7:00 - 6:00
8:00 - 6:00

5:00 - 6:00

Subsequent auctions for day-ahead and intraday products shall be held daily in accordance with NC CAM.