Welcome to the GAZ-SYSTEM - Auctions platform!
The GAZ-SYSTEM Auctions Platform (GSA Platform) is a modern tool used for offering capacity in natural gas transmission systems.
The GSA Platform was developed by the Polish transmission system operator, Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., in accordance with the requirements of the European Network Code on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms (NC CAM), adopted by Commission Regulation (EU) No. 984/2013 of 14 October 2013.

The GSA Platform enables products to be offered, which are related to points of entry/exit on the interconnectors, as well as those not related to these points – in the operator transmission systems.

The GSA Platform enables transmission system operators to fulfil the obligation to offer capacity of gas pipelines through auction mechanisms according to standards which are in compliance with the NC CAM. However, the platform ensures the efficient purchase of capacity for Shippers at the points of those European operators who have made the decision to use this tool.

We welcome all system users to the GAZ-SYSTEM Auctions Platform and we urge you to familiarize yourselves with the available products and services provided efficiently and at the highest level of IT security.